
Schools that are non-Church Schools can affiliate to their diocese if their Governing Body so chooses and if the appropriate Governance of the diocese the reside in, agrees. This does not mean that they become a Church school, but it does give them a greater connection to their local Church and access to the services that the Education team offers.

We currently have one Secondary school and three Primary schools affiliated to us.

As a school, we will:

  • Ensure high standards and expectations concerning the teaching and learning of pupils, in all areas including RE & Collective worship
  • Celebrate and acknowledge the importance of spirituality and faith to our school life
  • Build positive relations with our local Parish church
  • Support events organised by the local church and publicise these where possible.
  • Acknowledge our affiliation with the Diocesan Board of Education in materials produced and published by the school
  • Have the opportunity to join the Diocesan Partnership agreement and participate in Diocesan training events where possible.

As a diocese, we will:

  • Offer support and advice to the school, particularly in areas of specialist knowledge and experience.
  • Invite the school to participate in appropriate training opportunities
  • Visit the school periodically, in a spirit of shared enterprise, upon invitation from the Headteacher.

As a local Church community we will:

  • Regularly pray for the school.
  • Support and enrich the spiritual life and worship of the school, in consultation with the Headteacher and the Governing Body
  • Ensure we maintain strong links with the school in close co-operation with the Headteacher and the Governing Body
  • Support events organised by the school and publicise these where possible
  • Where appropriate, offer pastoral support to individual pupils, staff and families, to provide spiritual support in times of need, serious illness, bereavement etc
  • Acknowledge the affiliation in materials produced and published by the Church.


Affiliated Schools: FAQs

What are affiliated schools?

Affiliated schools are schools that have entered into an informal time-limited partnership with their Parish and the diocese the reside in for mutual benefit. Affiliation formalises an existing link between a local Church and a school and connects that school into the Diocesan structures.

What are the benefits to the school?

What are the benefits to the Church?

What are the benefits to the children?

What is the process?

What does a Diocese affliation offer?

Would we have to pay for any of this?

Does it affect school Governing bodies or admission policies?

Can schools move from being affiliated to a full church school?


For further information, contact Barrie Scott.

Find out how to become an affiliated school in the document below.

Draft Model Affiliation Agreement


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