Joining an Appeals Panel


for Church of England Schools in Birmingham  

Are you interested in volunteering to be a member of an Independent Appeals Panel to hear appeals from parents or carers whose children have been refused admission to their preferred school?


Church of England Birmingham organises independent Appeals Panels for many of our Church Schools throughout the year.  Panel members consider the cases put forward by parents and schools and decide whether or not each appeal should be upheld – they need to have an interest in education, be good listeners and have the ability to make considered and balanced decisions. This provision supports the local community and is an essential and valued service on which many of our schools rely. It is a voluntary, unpaid position but travel expenses will be reimbursed.


The Panels are set up under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and operate according to the principles of fairness and natural justice.  All information shared is confidential.  The panel consists of three panel members, of whom one acts as Chair, supported by a Clerk who advises on procedural and legal matters.  There must be a balance of members experienced in the education field and lay members. There are some disqualifications which might prevent you from hearing appeals for specific schools.


All Panel members receive full training prior to sitting on a panel and then refresher training every 2-3 years.

Appeals Timings

The main appeals season is from May to July but appeals can be listed at any time through the year.  Each appeal takes approximately 30 minutes and the listings range from occasionally just one appeal to full days of appeals in the Summer.  Appeals are heard during working hours and are currently being held online. The role is flexible; panel members can indicate their general availability and will be contacted before being allocated to an appeals session.  Some sit on only one or two panels per year. 

Further Information/Register an interest

If this is a role which you think you might consider,

please contact Rachel Raftery at  0121 426 0417




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