Collective Worship

All Church schools have a daily act of Collective worship (sometimes referred to as an assembly).

In the daily life of the Church school, Collective Worship should have a vital place, demonstrating to the school community that making time for God matters.

What might Collective Worship in a Church school look like? What elements are likely to be included?  It is a time for the school to gather together to:

  • explore the school's Christian vision and values
  • explore relevance of faith in today's world
  • imagine what God's kingdom is like and how it could change the way people live
  • worship God, for those who wish to do so

The Church of England Education Office issued guidance about collective worship suggesting that it should be inclusive, invitational and inspiring. Please see the image for guidance.

For advice about how to ensure collective worship is inclusive, invitational and inspiring, please see the Collective Worship section in Embracing and Embedding Diversity in all church schools.

For resources to support collective worship where all pupils can see themselves reflected, and where all can see global expressions of Christianity, please see the image below.

For images depicting Jesus and Christian diversity, please click the image below.

Model Policy for Collective Worship please see here. 

For the benefit of providing pupils with a rich variety of experiences within collective worship, it is good to involve visitors from local church and Christian communities. Some guidance that is worth sharing with them about leading Collective Worship in a school context is also provided. This document has been drawn together through consultation with clergy from within the diocese.

Advice for Clergy & Visitors leading Collective Worship

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