Each of our Church schools will have its own Instrument of Governance (or Memorandum and Articles if it is an Academy) and this will outline the required composition of the Governing Body.
On all Governing Bodies, membership will include some representation from the local Church and, usually, governor(s) appointed by CofE Birmingham. These governors act - as all governors should - to ensure that the school achieves the best it can for its children and also exercises financial probity.
The Church governors, or ‘Foundation’ governors, as they are called, should also ensure that the school retains, develops, and enhances its ethos as a Church school - the way the school shows this will depend on its individual context. Although Foundation governors should be particularly aware of this, it is the responsibility of all governors of Church schools to be aware of, support and develop the Church ethos of the school.
CofE Birmingham provides regular training for Governing Bodies and is always ready to offer advice and support.
Our lead officer on Governance is the Deputy Diocesan Director of Education, Canon Barrie Scott, who can be contacted via email on barries@cofebirmingham.com
Code of Practice for Members of a CofE Governing Board
Governors Handbook 2024 (current)
Application Form to Become a Governor
Governor Traning Schedule 2024-25
Becoming a Foundation Governor
Encouraging Diversity on Governing Bodies
Click here for more details: